Bidders enjoy the quick and hassle-free experience of LiveShipping (Ship with LiveAuctioneers)
How do bidders view/obtain shipping quotes through LiveShipping?
Shipping quotes are generated on the lot page under the Shipping and Pickup Options section. This will be based on information like dimensions of the lot, shipping insurance, the buyer's shipping address and more.
In the rare event a shipping quote is disproportionately high in relation to the current bid value, the quote will be hidden on the lot page and bidders will be encouraged to inquire for a custom quote which will be sent to the via email.
While quotes are being reviewed and finalized, bidders will see "Estimated rate will be available soon" under the Ship with LiveAuctioneers option. If this occurs, please instruct them to revisit the lot page in the coming days to view their shipping quote.
How do bidders add LiveShipping to their purchases?
If the bidder is paying for the invoice through checkout:
- On the checkout page, bidders will see the following shipping methods:
- Ship with LiveAuctioneers (LiveShipping)
- Self-Arranged Shipping
- Local Pickup (if available)
Bidders can use any LivePayments payment method to pay for LiveShipping, we do not process LiveShipping orders that are paid directly to the Auction House. LiveAuctioneers collects shipping costs and sales tax (where applicable). The payment for shipping will be sent to the carrier, and the order will be booked immediately.
If the bidder pays for the invoice via Autopay:
- On the Won Items Page the bidder will receive messaging regarding the use of LiveShipping, Self-Arranged, or Pickup. If they fail to select LiveShipping within 10 days of the invoice first being sent to them they will then have no choice but to Self-Arrange or Pickup.
In the following instances, the shipping quote can differ from the amount shown on the invoice:
- Bidder has changed the shipping address
- Carrier has changed the rates (rare case)
How can bidders track their shipments?
Bidders can see order tracking status on the Won Item page.
Bidders are also sent email notifications upon shipment.
You can see the shipping status and carrier on the EOA tab, Invoice tab, and in exports for the catalog. Starting from when the LiveShipping Status is "Offered" to the point at which it is "Delivered".
For additional information about LiveAuctioneers shipping order status, bidders and auction house partners may reach out to our support team. Auction houses can direct bidders with questions about their LiveShipping order to
A bidder contacted me about their LiveShipping order, what should I do?
If your bidders have questions at any point related to their LiveShipping orders, please have them contact our bidder shipping support team at
If their questions are about an item that they won, you may also refer them to Get Help on the Won Items page which has common questions and answers regarding payments, shipping, and the item(s) based on the status of their order (paid, shipped, in transit etc.).