To ensure accurate shipping quotes for bidders, auctioneers with multiple locations are encouraged to designate a Location for each auction.
Creating, Editing and Archiving Locations
To create a location for your account, visit Billing & Account > Locations and select Add Location.
In the New Location modal, enter your location details. Each location requires a Location Nickname, which will be referenced during catalog setup. Tip: use unique short nicknames for easy identification.
Locations can be edited and archived at any time.
Assigning Lot Locations
When uploading your catalog, include a column labeled Location Nickname in your CSV file and for each lot, input a Location Nickname (created during prior step).
Bidders’ shipping quotes will be generated using these locations as the shipment origins. For more information about formatting the catalog spreadsheet, click here.
Lot locations can be added and amended by updating the CSV file and re-importing. Lot locations cannot be assigned or edited from the Edit Lot view. Learn more about batch editing lots.