Live Auction Date/Time Change

NOTE: This tool does NOT apply to Timed Sales. If your auction has not been published please go to the How can I change the date or time to my auction? article for further instructions. 

  1. Once logged in, click 'Live Auction' button
  2. Select the title of the auction you wish change
  3. Go to 'LiveConsole' tab
  4. Click the 'Change Time' link located next to the start time of the sale
  5.  You can then edit the time and date of the auction. Click SAVE Time Zones will be automatically detected and changes will update within 5 minutes

Things to Remember:

  • Not available fore Timed/automated sales
  • Time edits can only be made up to 10 minutes before the start of an auction
  • We currently do not notify users of last minute time changes so it is advised to email bidders directly. Communicating with bidders
  • If you have any marketing scheduled with your auction be sure to notify of any changes in order to make any possible adjustments.
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