Favorite Bidders are managed through your Automatic Approval settings and encompass bidders you’ve approved in the past. You can choose to grow your Favorite Bidders list by enabling any or all of the following options:
Please note, all designated favorite bidders will be automatically approved upon registering for an upcoming sale (unless they have an open dispute, then they will be added to pending for manual review). When enabled, these rules are a helpful way to grow your list with automation.
Favorite Bidder Recommendations:
Adds bidders who have been approved by you before and have successfully completed at least one transaction with you to your Favorite Bidders list. You can enjoy peace of mind with a returning, paying bidder.
Copy All Previously Approved Bidders to Favorite Bidders:
Adds any bidders that you have approved in the past to your Favorite Bidders list. This is an improved version of the “copy bidders” function found in the classic dashboard. This is designed to help you save time, while also growing your Favorite Bidders list, which is a valuable metric you can provide consignors.
If you are actively using copy bidders on the Classic dashboard, we can move all of these bidders onto your Favorite Bidders list:
- Moving forward, if a bidder on this list registers for your sale, they will be automatically approved
- Registering bidders will be sent all notifications pertaining to your auctions, including approval notices. Previously, under the classic version, copied bidders were not automatically notified. Additionally, on the “My Auctions” page, bidders will see only the sales they actively registered for. This will help bidders easily find your auctions and reduce the amount of irrelevant content that would otherwise impede visibility of your sales.
- Now, instead of copying bidders for every sale, you can enable this feature once and your Favorite Bidders List will grow as you approve bidders and hold sales
- The number of bidders on your Favorite Bidders List can be found by clicking Automatically Approve > Favorite Bidders from the “Bidder” tab.
Favorite Button:
This can be used to manually designate individual or multiple bidders as Favorite Bidders moving forward. You can also manually add bidders to your Favorite Bidders list by entering their email address or username on the Favorite Bidders tab. This gives you the freedom to pick and choose which bidders you trust most.
By enabling automatic approvals for good-standing bidders, sending notifications when bidders expect them, and surfacing auctions that bidders are interested in, we expect an improved bidder experience that will result in increased engagement for your sales.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our support team at support@liveauctioneers.com.