You can view the payment status of an invoice by visiting the Payments tab on your auctioneer dashboard. We've broken down what each status means and the action you should take.
- Pending - Immediately after payment is made, the transaction is in "pending" status for about 24 hours (unless bidder paid via ACH). Do not ship your item at this stage. Once cleared for shipment, the transaction status becomes "Pending Disbursement."
- Pending Disbursement - Once a payment passes all fraud checks and is approved by our processor, the status will become "pending disbursement." At this point, you can release the item to the winning bidder. If you plan on shipping the item, please make sure you are sending the item to the address listed on the payment received email.
- Disbursed - Once payment is disbursed, the status of the transaction will be set to "disbursed"
- Uncaptured - Our insurer has flagged a payment for review. Our team investigates the transaction and bidder to decide whether or not to capture or decline payment. Should the payment be declined, you will receive an email notification with the bidder's contact information.
If you have questions on any of the above, please reach out to our payments team at